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Keyana Janea'

Contentment = Peace

The key to living a peace-filled life is being content with where you are and who you are. The world today is always competing and comparing or always focused on getting to the next thing. However, that lifestyle can cause you to lose your peace just as fast as you’re trying to get ahead. Being content is accepting your current season and accepting who you are with all of your flaws and insecurities.

We all long for better lifestyles or some sort-of increase. I’m not saying don’t work towards your goals or dreams. However, when you are content with where you are currently, you have peace on your way to your next. You are not running from your now. Having a running mentality can sometimes prolong how long you are in that season.

Years ago when I chose to leave my old relationship/lifestyle behind, I had to accept my current state of brokenness, lack of identity, and lack of purpose. I knew I wanted to be better and didn’t want to stay in that place, but I was okay with my truth. I knew I was starting over, but I was okay with that. I didn’t rush the process. My acceptance helped me become the woman I am today.

When I become content in my current season, that’s when I see things move in my life. I stop fighting against what God is trying to do and I just accept where I am and surrender to him. Contentment changes your heart posture and your perspective. You start to see the better in your current place and have peace about where you are. It also helps you to stop living according to the world's timeline and expectations. You develop a deeper love for yourself and you start to realize you are doing better than you thought.

Don’t rush out of every season of your life. Embrace the current while you work towards the next. Make sure you get all the tools, lessons, and blessings God is trying to give you in your current season. He already knows what’s ahead. Being content and walking in your truth can bring so much peace and happiness. You no longer need validation from others. You create a flow of your own!

“I know how to live on almost nothing or with everything. I have learned the secret of living in every situation, whether it is with a full stomach or empty, with plenty or little. For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength.”

‭‭Philippians‬ ‭4:12-13‬ ‭NLT‬‬


1 comentario

Whitney Anderson
Whitney Anderson
05 mar 2022

Lovely post and right on time! You are so right. Once we change our perspectives on our situations and begin to practice gratitude and contentment, things begin to change. Thank you for the encouragement

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