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I Bought My First Home

Keyana Janea'

I’m so excited to share that I UNEXPECTEDLY bought my first home. These past 7 months I was able to see my vision become reality. Back in January, I started writing my vision for the year and at the same time I wrote the blog “Action behind your vision.” Well, I don’t write or share anything that I don’t apply to myself. So I created a virtual vision board for different areas of my life and one was for my first house (with a list of every detail I would want in it). I also decided to open up a savings account and I labeled it “house” with the intention to save all of 2021 and buy my home at the beginning of 2022. I never planned to purchase a house this year. However, as we all know God has his own plan for our lives.

After I created my vision board and opened my account in January, my current living situation became a nightmare. I didn’t have peace anymore when I came home and I kept feeling like I needed to move but wasn’t sure. Well in February, Houston had a horrible winter storm (which is very rare). It caused my apartments to lose power, water, and the fire alarms were on for weeks. I had to stay with 3 different family members during that time. It was definitely a tough experience and on top of that, it was my birthday. I felt out of place and was still wondering if I should move. I had until March 1 to decide if I was going to renew my lease or not. So I prayed and asked God for direction because I didn’t want to move away from where he needed me. Well, his answer came quick and required me to walk fully in faith.

As I stayed at my dad's house the last week of the winter storm, little did I know God had my answer there. As I talked to my dad about my apartment issues, he randomly told me about a realtor he was working with and wanted to connect us. Well, that same day the realtor called me to get a feel of what I was looking for but at that time I still wasn’t convinced I needed to move yet. I had no answers for him, but he was still willing to work with me to see if I would get pre-approved. The next morning I was pre-approved and was able to start looking for a home. However, I still wasn’t convinced this was the way to go.

I continued to pray on it before moving forward with the realtor but I also continued to not have peace in my current place. So on the last day of February, I decided to take a leap of faith and put my notice in at my apartment with no plan, no place to stay, and I didn’t even meet with the realtor yet. It was such a scary decision but I remember saying,

"God it is in your hands now. Whether it is another apartment or a house I will go where ever you need me to go."

As we started looking at houses, a brand new neighborhood came up that wasn’t originally on our list. I wasn’t sure if I wanted to live in that area but my realtor encouraged me to look at it anyways. Little did I know it was THE HOUSE all along. I knew immediately when I walked into the model home. Every single detail I wrote down in January was in this house and within the budget I wanted. After seeing that house I still decided to view the other houses but my heart wasn’t there. I knew the decision I needed to make.

Within two weeks of turning in my notice and searching for a home, I was able to sign my contract to start building my new construction home. But God didn’t stop there. As my home was being built I moved in with my Mom and stepdad which allowed me to save money all the way up until my home was ready. Within that time I received multiple raises and was at a great place financially. God didn’t let that extra account go in vain. He blessed me with more than I can imagine.

As it came time to close, the entire process went so smoothly. All the stewardship I’ve done with my finances over the past few years really paid off. And now I sit here 7 months later writing inside of my new home. I would have never thought I would be in my own home so soon. It still feels unreal at the moment.

I chose to share this journey with you not to brag on myself but to brag on God. This was all him I just had to be ready to move. I hope this fills you with so much faith and hope for your own life. Have the faith to believe that you will see your dreams come to pass. Submit your vision to God and watch him bring it to life in his timing. Take the leap of faith. He knows how to connect you with the right people. He knows how to get you out of one place and move you to another. You just have to let go and give him control. He doesn’t need your help. It may seem scary but have the faith to fully trust in him. All things will work together for your good.

Write the vision and make it plain upon tablets, that he may run who reads it

Habakkuk 2:2



Dec 01, 2021

Your post really speaks to me. I finished praying to God. Having such a low week and something said go to my email. I seen a newsletter from His Daughters Closet from Morgan Tracy J. It was about her membership. I have been on that page many times and seen your testimony about twice. This time I decided to read your testimony. I felt called to look up your blog. Something about your home page made me want to read more. The verse you chose spoke to me. I went to your blog and read this post. I love homes so this was the first post I noticed. I read your entire post and it just inspired me. But then…

Keyana Janea'
Keyana Janea'
Dec 01, 2021
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Thank you for sharing! I’m so glad you found my page and my post encouraged you! I pray your week will get so much better. You are going to be more than alright. The enemy fights harder when you are close to your breakthrough. Don’t get discouraged. If it’s in your heart you’ll see it come to life. Someone out there needs YOUR vision and YOUR story. I Cant wait to see it myself! ❤️


Nov 10, 2021

Awesome- Glory be to God!!

congratulations on your new home


Bertina Kambe
Bertina Kambe
Nov 05, 2021



Grace Anane
Grace Anane
Oct 30, 2021

This is so encouraging, I am so happy for you. Continue to grow from grace to grace.

Keyana Janea'
Keyana Janea'
Oct 30, 2021
Replying to

Thank you!❤️


Oct 29, 2021

Am so proud of you… I watch god work in your life.. I love you daughter ❤️

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