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Put Action Behind Your Vision

Keyana Janea'

The beginning of the year tends to be the season of vision boards and goal setting. Most people become crafty and start creating their vision boards for the year and may even have a vision board party. Which is a great way to start the year, with vision and support from family/friends. But do you really see the vision that you're putting on your board?

I’ve done a bunch of vision boards but I find myself never going back to them after I make them. They just become wish list boards. One day I found all of them and noticed they all had the same things on them just a different year. At that moment I had a reality check. I keep putting my vision on this board but nothing is changing. I started questioning myself on why this keeps happening.

The problem was for one, I didn’t include God in my vision and two I didn’t put action behind anything on there. I was just creating boards to look at (But I didn't really look at them). I started to question if I even believed I would get to that vision. Once I realized my issue, I chose to go about my vision for the year differently.

Last year I made a list of every vision I had for my life, short term and long term. (about 25 items). I included everything that I could think of, including things that seem impossible. After I wrote my list, I picked the top 5 items that I wanted to focus on for the year.

Then I prayed over it and asked God to show me his vision for my life and if there was anything on this list that’s not of his will, remove it. Once I confirmed my top 5 then I did the fun part and created a vision board to reflect those things. But I didn’t stop there this time. I prayed for strategy and created an action plan on how I was going to see that vision through. Every item on that board had a plan.

  • Whether it was a vision for my finances, I created a budget and a goal. I had an action plan on how I was going to reach it

  • Whether it was a vision for relationships, I had an action plan on how I could grow and be better as a person so that I would attract the right relationships and better serve the relationships I already had.

  • Whether it was a vision for my career, I had an action plan on things to research, classes to take, anything that could help me get there.

  • Whether it was a vision for traveling, ideas, Body/health. I had an action plan on how I could reach that vision.

Some visions may not have certain things you can do to work towards, it just requires faith. But faith is your action plan. Continue to grow your faith and let God do the rest.

If you are like me, don’t just have the vision board parties and create a beautiful board. Pray over it and put action behind it. This website is a product of my vision board and action plan. I wrote it on my list but I honestly didn’t believe it was going to happen. But I focused on my action plan and God showed up to do the rest.

Now there may be some things that may not happen before the year ends because life happens. That’s okay, if you choose to keep doing some sort of action towards the vision you will eventually see it sooner than later.

I pray that God shows you his vision for your life this year and gives you a strategy to get there.

Write the vision and make it plain on tablets, so that he may run who reads it

Habakkuk 2:2


Mar 06, 2021

I am so proud of you. You don't see many young women like yourself sharing their faith about jehovah God. I have a deep appreciation and admiration for you sharing yourself in that manner. It's truly show's you spiritual upbringing. May jehovah God continue to bless you and show favor toward you.

💕 You, your auntie veronica

Keyana Janea'
Keyana Janea'
Mar 07, 2021
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Thank you! This means a lot. I love you too! ❤️

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