Oh, how I know this season far too well. When nothing is happening in your life.
Nothing good.
Nothing bad.
No open doors,
But also no closed ones.
You start to question what’s going on and begin to grow weary.
You start to feel stagnant as there are no changes.
As I look back at every quiet season I’ve had, I’ve learned those were the most important seasons of my life. They’re actually not “quiet” seasons, they’re seasons of preparation.
God has you in his holding place until it’s time for your next. But while you're in holding you have to prepare. Don’t sit around complaining or trying to do other things to avoid this season. Receive that quietness and build. Do everything you can to grow, learn, prepare. So that when it’s YOUR time everything you did in your quiet season will show for itself.
Write the plan.
Work out.
Save your money.
Take the class.
Do whatever that is required to reach the dream in your heart.
I know it’s hard because it can seem like your forgotten. But let me tell you it’s worth it. I always realized the importance of that season after the fact. I also noticed I prolonged it because I would refuse to accept where I was. God makes no mistakes, his timing is always perfect. Once it’s YOUR TIME, there’s no stopping.
This particular season of my life is where the idea “Flourish with Keyana Janea” was birthed. I took the time to grow and heal PRIVATELY. I wanted to know who I was without any external voices telling me. Once I did what I needed to do in that season I was able to go out PUBLICLY and live the life I took time out for.
So accept that quietness and just build. It may require some separation from your norm. But don’t worry about what everyone else is doing. Majority of the time they are not in the same season as you. You are at the right place, at the right time. Don’t miss this opportunity to work on yourself and your dreams privately. The outcome will be life changing.
"There is a season (a time appointed) for everything
and A time for every delight and event or purpose under heaven
A time to be born and a time to die;
A time to plant and a time to uproot what is planted."
Ecclesiastes 3: 1-2
Beautiful post. You are so right. Sadly, most of us don't realize the beauty or purpose of the seasons we are in until we have reached the other side of it. This is mainly because while we are in it, our main focus is getting out of it! If only I could learn to slow down, embrace every moment (good and bad) and ask God, "Father. What am I meant to learn, develop, embrace, surrender or start right here right now"? I believe once we have God's perspective on our situations, everything changes! Thank you for this post! I needed to read this this morning. Right on time.
I loved this! Thank you for this post. ❤️
Very timely. You are so right about the holding place. Don't waste that time it is so vital to your next. Great read, perfect length.