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Tough Seasons Don't Last Forever

Keyana Janea'

This year has brought many challenges to most people, especially me. From work schedule changing to more hours and longer commute, not getting as much sleep, and on top of that trying to stay mindful of COVID. At one point, I became exhausted and ready for this season to be over. I had nothing left in me to keep going, all I could do was pray. It’s funny how God will let us run completely out so we can only depend on him.

As I tried to keep going day by day, my family and friends would remind me that this season will pass, it won’t last forever. As they reminded me of this, it stuck with me. I begin to change my perspective from “just getting by” to “living in the moment and letting God do the rest." Once I changed my perspective so many blessings have come my way. I started receiving things I’ve prayed for unexpectedly. Those blessings were reminders that God placed me where I’m at for a reason. I just needed to keep going until he changes it.

I share this to say, whatever your tough season looks like, it will pass. You will get through it, just don’t give up. Renew your mind, body, and spirit every day. There's purpose where you are right now. It may be too tough to see but give God the chance to show you. I’m currently still in that season that I considered tough, but it’s truly become the most blessed season of my life.

Therefore we do not lose heart. Even though our outward man is perishing, yet the inward man is being renewed day by day. For our light affliction, which is but a moment, is working for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory

2 Corinthians 4:16-17



Aug 17, 2021

This came in due season for me. thank you so much.


Moses Odumbe
Moses Odumbe
Aug 16, 2021

Wow... This came at a time i really needed it. Thanks.


Whitney Anderson
Whitney Anderson
Aug 13, 2021

Love this. I am in a similar season. All the possible doors I had for myself have closed and I feel shut in and stuck where I am. But like you said, perspective is everything! My situation hasn't changed but my outlook and expectation have. I can now see the beauty of where I am and what is already around me. Thank you for this post!

Keyana Janea'
Keyana Janea'
Aug 15, 2021
Replying to

That’s awesome! Keep going and it will change at the right time. Thanks for sharing.

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